Hello and welcome to Mastodon users (that's usually the only reason you get to this page).
This is the IT Forum website. We have forums for all sorts of IT issues, how-to guides for products and services and if there is not one there, let me know, and I will create one for you.
We concentrate on our own products (Smart Bulbs, Incense) and services (Domain Names, Hosting, etc.), that's why we created these forums, but we are happy to have forums for IT products/services that we don't have, if they are useful to the community.
Currently, the only non-IT related forum we have is our own Incense forum. The only reason we have that is… well, because it is ours. We don't normally host non-IT related forums in here.
Join the forum (for free) and see a reduced amount of ads, pay a small subscription and see no ads at all, it also helps us with the costs.
You can also advertise in here by selecting the appropriate subscription from the menu.
All constructive feedback is always welcome.
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